Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the laws of Christ

~Galatians 6:2

Few things in this life are more difficult to bear than the loss of a cherished loved one. And the loss becomes even more difficult to live with when there has been no Orthodox spiritual closure, or no closure at all. With this in mind, Fr. Aidan and Fr. Andrew have blessed the Myrrhbearers to offer the service of the Akathist to the Departed to all parishioners who find themselves in one of these situations. This is a gift that can help bring peace and healing when so many other things cannot.

Our ministry is in its fledgling stages, and though it may be possible in the future to accommodate requests for this in all situations, currently we limit these services to the following family members:

—Children / step-children / children-in-law
—Siblings / step-siblings / siblings-in-law
—Parents / step-parents / parents-in-law
—Grandparents / step-grandparents  /  grandparents-in-law

For these family members, we are able to offer the following support:

Mercy Meal

Orthodox funeral for a departed Orthodox Christian parishioner of St. John

  • To be served at the church for a maximum of 20 people immediately following the graveside service (within a reasonable distance from the church) after the Orthodox funeral

Akathist Service

Non-Orthodox family member (see list above) of a St John parishioner when there HAS been a funeral and/or memorial service

  • Akathist Service (No meal is offered in this instance)

Take Home Meals

Non-Orthodox departed family member (see list above) who chose NOT to have a funeral service or memorial of any kind

  • Akathist Service

  • Take Home Meals to feed immediate family members - will be sent home with the family after the Akathist service

Light Refreshments

For families who have suffered an early miscarriage

  • Akathist Service

  • Light refreshments to be sent home with the family following the Akathist service

The Church’s prayer service for an infant lost at a later stage may be different, and support for this can be addressed in individual circumstances.


The offering of the Akathist and communal support is an act of mercy, and a beautiful way we can bear each other’s burdens. We hope it provides you with comfort, and hope in the universal resurrection!

Please provide the following information about your situation.


Father Aidan:

Father Andrew:
