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Seminar 2.4: Christ

Back to School

St Thomas School, that is. If you started out with us back in the summer and have since become too busy—or if you haven’t yet tried out the school—this is a good time to get involved. We’re starting a new section in our current textbook. Here’s a rundown by Mike Ruse:

In Part 4, we now arrive at how God and man came together in the incarnation of the Son of God. Although the Creed declares what we believe and what has been revealed to us, we will look at some of the reasons for God becoming man in the writings of St. Athanasius, St. Isaac the Syrian and other Eastern Church Fathers.

We have seen through Parts 1-3 that there has been a long, mysterious distance between God and mankind. We have been mentioning in our classes that the Holy Trinity didn’t decide to send the Son of God as a plan B, that the Word’s incarnation wasn’t an ad hoc meeting simply to solve the problem of sin. St. Isaac the Syrian draws our attention instead to the divine love of the Holy Trinity. 

Join us on Saturday afternoons at 4pm in the parish house.

For more detail, including the class schedule, check out the St. Thomas Catechetical School website.

Earlier Event: September 14
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross
Later Event: September 16
Church School Returns!